Sunday, January 31st, we will be having a carry-in supper (5:00) and movie (5:45), a compelling drama with humor and heart that explores the power that prayer can have on marriages, parenting, careers, friendships, and every other area of our lives. You won’t regret...
Wednesday (January 20) Services Cancelled
No Wednesday Services for January 20th
How Jesus Changed These Lives
Last night was our first annual New Life Celebration, and it was a great time of worship and testimonies. We asked a few boys and one young man who came to faith in the past couple years, as well as a mature believer, to share their testimonies of how Jesus has...
Testimony of God’s Faithfulness
This morning, Judy Borman shared a powerful testimony of God's faithfulness in her life, and how He has used others to build her up in the faith. If you missed our time of worship together, you missed a powerful witness by Judy. Thankfully, we captured her testimony...
New Life Celebration
We're starting a new annual tradition to celebrate those who gave their lives to Christ and were baptized this past year. We will celebrate new life with worship, testimonies and prayer for more new life in the coming year. "We were buried with Him by baptism into...
New Sermon Series & More
This coming Sunday we will be starting a new sermon series through the Gospel of John - "Jesus is..." Continuing where we left off last Sunday in John 1, we will be going through this gospel to learn what it teaches us about Jesus and how we are to respond to Him. We...
Merry Christmas!
"For a child will be born for us, a son will be given to us, and the government will be on His shoulders. He will be named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6). It happened just as God predicted through His prophets. Jesus...
Testimony of Faith – Kale Stewart
Kale Stewart was baptized this morning and shared his testimony of Christian faith at the beginning of the service. What Kale shared was greatly convicting, powerful and personal. To listen to his testimony, click HERE.
Christian Testimonies – Childlike Faith
Yesterday Noah was baptized during our morning worship service, and Colin was baptized during our evening service. Here are their short testimony videos that were taken several days before their baptisms.
Memories from the Fall Festival
We had a blast this evening. Thanks to all who joined us for our annual fall festival!