Not everyone will get their hands dirty, but we can definitely use your help this Saturday, May 5th, beginning at noon. If you are able to help, even if just for an hour, we can use you. We have a great deal of work that needs to be done both inside and outside the...
“Finding Meaning” & Youth Sunday
Is there a more applicable and important question than, "What are your meaning and purpose?" Finding Meaning - our Sunday morning sermon series through the book of Ecclesiastes - continues tomorrow. Considering the futility of temporary things, Ecclesiastes has a lot...
Youth vs. Adults Trivia Night
On Friday evening, we will have our first "Youth vs. Adults Trivia Night." Do you have what it takes? Even if you don't, you're invited to join us for this fun time of fellowship. This will take place from 6-8 p.m. in our fellowship hall. Contact Josh Bertram ((573)...
Ask the Pastor
Each Wednesday evening, our church has activities for all ages, including prayer meeting and Bible study for adults. Recently, we have been doing "Ask the Pastor" for our Bible study, giving church members and others an opportunity to submit their questions to Pastor...
“Finding Meaning” Starting Easter Sunday
Do you ever struggle to find meaning in life and/or struggle to accurately express that meaning to others? You'll be hard-pressed to find a more applicable and important question than, "What's your purpose?" Please make plans to join us for Finding Meaning - a new...
Community Worship Service & Supper
Will you gather with us Sunday evening at 6:00 for a joint community worship service and supper? As we meet here for worship at 6:00, we will be joined by Rising Sun Baptist Church and Grand Prairie Baptist Church, and if you don't have a church family, you are...
Supper and Movie Night
Please join us Sunday, March 18th for supper at 5:00 p.m., followed by the showing of an inspirational movie based on the true story of Lee Strobel, an avowed atheist and dedicated journalist who set out prove Christianity wrong but ended up coming to faith in Jesus...
Testimony of Forgiveness and Unity
On Sunday morning during our worship gathering, Elaine Shindler shared a powerful testimony of forgiveness and unity in the body of Christ. Since it was shared during one of our regular Sundays for communing together at the Lord's table, Elaine's story was...
Testimonies & Baptisms
On Sunday, our church family and guests had the privilege of watching Ryan and Amber Clevenger's video testimonies, followed by their public professions of faith and obedience through believer's baptism. Praise the Lord! You can watch both videos below, as well as in...
Get Connected & Stay Involved
Our passion is the gospel. Our church is our family. Our world is our mission. That is our purpose statement as Richland Baptist Church, and we believe strongly that all three of those areas - gospel, family and mission - are essential for every follower of Jesus...