Please pray for our Missouri Missions Offering and the advancement of the gospel in Missouri and beyond.
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Schedule Update for Sunday
Schedule Change for Sunday, October 18th
Youth Kickball Highlights
Pictures from Nightlight (September 6th)
Back-to-School Highlights
Pictures from Our Worship Service and Ice Cream Social on August 30th
Mission: Dignity
You are here because they were there.
Sermon Series through Hebrews
Join us on Sunday mornings at 10:40 for “The Journey of Faith.”
Staying Connected
Regular engagement via the MyRichland App and Richland YouTube Channel
New Sermon Series on Politics
What it means to be politically active, and yet still charitable toward those who disagree with us.
What’s Happening?
Hear what’s happening this week, followed by a short devotion with Pastor Nick.
Sermon Series through Micah
“Walk Humbly” begins Sunday, May 31st at 10:40 a.m.