by Scot Thomson | Apr 24, 2022 | baptism, discipleship, kids, Testimony, videos
At the beginning of our worship celebration this morning, we had the joy and privilege of hearing the testimonies of Zoe Drake and Ashley Drake, followed by their public professions of faith through believer’s baptism. You can watch the testimonies and baptisms below....
by Nick Drake | Nov 7, 2021 | discipleship, giving, missions, Sunday, Testimony, videos, worship
During our morning worship celebration Sunday, November 7, 2021, Katie talked about her conviction and desire to give sacrificially so that more people can hear and respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ. You can watch and listen to her testimony below, or you can...
by Nick Drake | Oct 31, 2021 | discipleship, giving, missions, Sunday, Testimony, videos, women, worship
During our morning worship celebration on Sunday, October 31, 2021, Terri spoke about her conviction to give not only her first ten percent back to the Lord but to go above-and-beyond for the sake of more people knowing and responding to the gospel. You can watch and...
by Nick Drake | Oct 24, 2021 | discipleship, family, giving, Sunday, Testimony, videos, worship
During our morning worship celebration today, Kayla shared about when her husband, Robert, and she began tithing. You can watch her testimony below or listen to the audio only by clicking HERE.
by Nick Drake | Oct 10, 2021 | Church Financial, discipleship, family, giving, missions, Testimony, videos, women, worship
During our morning worship celebration today, Kasey shared about her conviction from the Lord regarding giving principles and practices. You can watch her testimony below or listen to the audio only by clicking HERE.
by Nick Drake | Sep 26, 2021 | Church Financial, discipleship, giving, Sunday, Testimony, videos, worship
During our morning worship service on Sunday, September 26, 2021, Judy Borman shared a testimony about her strong conviction that we really do not own anything. Our “stuff” really is not our stuff. You can watch the testimony below or just listen to the...