Crisis in Ukraine: Pray and Give

Crisis in Ukraine: Pray and Give

As you are already aware, there is a crisis ongoing for the people of Ukraine. They are fleeing their homes and country hoping for peace and relief. Sometimes it is hard to know what you can do to help. The International Mission Board and SEND Relief teams are...
Life on Mission

Life on Mission

We encourage our church members to give a missions offering every Sunday, year-round, and this is the time of year we especially emphasize giving to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for the International Mission Board. Below is a 4-minute video that we hope will...
A Missions Story

A Missions Story

We encourage our church members to give a missions offering every Sunday, year-round, and this is the time of year we especially emphasize giving to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for the International Mission Board. Below is a 4-minute video that we hope will...