by Scot Thomson | Jul 30, 2023 | discipleship, giving, missions, Opportunities, service, Testimony
When you give of your tithes and offerings a portion goes to the International Mission Board to forward the gospel of Jesus Christ to unreached/unengaged people groups! Please continue to pray for our missionaries, to support their work, and to go when God may call...
by Nick Drake | Feb 19, 2023 | discipleship, family, missions, news, sermons, Sunday, worship
Our passion is the gospel. Our church is our family. Our world is our mission. Gospel. Family. Mission. – What we are all about as the Richland Baptist Church family. Next Sunday, January 15, Pastor Nick will begin a new sermon series through the book of Acts....
by Scot Thomson | Dec 25, 2022 | discipleship, giving, missions, videos
This is the time of year we are emphasizing the International Mission Board for our missions giving, prayer, and partnership. Will you pray for the IMB and give sacrificially so that more people can hear and respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ? The below video is an...
by Scot Thomson | Oct 23, 2022 | missions, news, videos
All believers in Jesus Christ are missionaries. But, what do missionaries do? Find out by watching this video! In this video we will see that one of the primary tasks of missionaries is to daily abide in Christ! Missionary Task Foundation- Abiding in Christ from...
by Scot Thomson | Jul 24, 2022 | discipleship, family, food, kids, Life Sharing, missions, news, Opportunities, schedule, special events, VBS, youth
Vacation Bible School is almost here! Nightly from 5-8 p.m., VBS will take place Sunday, July 24 through Thursday, July 28. We hope your kids will join us and that you will consider volunteering. Supper (for all interested kids and volunteers) will be served each...
by Scot Thomson | Mar 6, 2022 | giving, missions, news
As you are already aware, there is a crisis ongoing for the people of Ukraine. They are fleeing their homes and country hoping for peace and relief. Sometimes it is hard to know what you can do to help. The International Mission Board and SEND Relief teams are...