The time for our annual Vacation Bible School is drawing near! This year’s Journey off the Map will be July 27-31 (Monday through Friday). We will gather nightly from 5:00 – 8:00, wtih all participants and volunteers welcome for supper at 5, followed by VBS starting at 5:30. We hope you’ll join us for this fun and exciting time, as kids learn what it means to follow Jesus and have a blast doing so.
VBS is for kids who have recently finished preschool through sixth grade.
If you are interested in serving the children in our church and in our community by helping, please let us know. Spread the word, and invite your family, friends, neighbors, classmates, etc. Let’s take the journey!
On Sunday, August 2nd, we will have our annual VBS Celebration during our 10:40 a.m. worship service. The service will be followed by lunch, family games, popcorn, snow cones and the famous bounce house. All are welcome!