About Us

Located in Kingdom City, Missouri, Richland Baptist Church seeks to glorify our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by loving God and loving people.
Gospel. Family. Mission. Those are the things Richland Baptist Church values most.
Our passion is the GOSPEL.
Our church is our FAMILY.
Our world is our MISSION.
We pray that we can help lead others to believe in the gospel – the Good News of Jesus Christ’s death on the cross for the sins of the world, and His resurrection, which has secured eternal life for those who believe on His name.
We pray that people can see the real family that exists in Richland Baptist Church. Then, we hope people will plug into our family and grow in their faith in Jesus Christ.
Finally, but of equal importance, we pray that people can be on mission with God. Our Lord has a heart for the nations and wants the world to hear of His love for them. We seek to minister to those around us and those around the world by loving, serving and sharing the Good News.
To God be the glory!
Church History
Richland Baptist Church was founded on June 20, 1840, by seven members who met in local schoolhouses. In 1841 they built a log church building. Eleven years later in 1852 they built a new brick building on the site. In 1872 they erected a frame building, and then in 1981, a new brick structure was built, which is our current church facility. Our church family worked together in 1997 to add a new wing, doubling the size of our church building. This new wing has our fellowship hall, multiple classrooms and church offices.
Being a missions-minded church, Richland has started five other churches: Grand Prairie Baptist Church in Auxvasse (1843), First Baptist Church of Fulton (1852), Old Richland Baptist Church north of Fulton (1872), Ebenezer Baptist Church east of Fulton (1879) and Crossroads Cowboy Church near Calwood (2007).