Two necessities for experiencing God’s gracious power…
Victory in Jesus
Hope in what’s to come…
Thanksgiving Service & Supper
Sunday, November 20
The Service of Grace
Two lost arts of Christlike service…
Testimony & Baptism (Leah Clevenger)
At the beginning of our worship celebration this morning, Leah publicly professed her faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord through believer's baptism. You can check out her testimony and baptism below, preceded by a short explanation of Christian baptism by Pastor...
The Spirit of Grace
Two important realities of the Holy Spirit…
Testimony & Baptism (Zack Shirley)
October 30, 2022
Dealing with Burnout
A personal message on our need for Jesus and His church…
The Missionary Task
All believers in Jesus Christ are missionaries. But, what do missionaries do? Find out by watching this video! In this video we will see that one of the primary tasks of missionaries is to daily abide in Christ! Missionary Task Foundation- Abiding in Christ from...
The Response to Grace
Three necessary responses to the gospel of grace…